‘Corazón Azul’ by Juan Manuel Sanabria


Artist: Juan Manuel Sanabria
Title: ‘Corazón Azul’
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 9.8″ x 9.8″ x 1.6″
Framing: Unframed – Ready to hang
Year of Creation: 2025
Artwork Will Ship From: USA

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‘Corazón Azul’ by Juan Manuel Sanabria

Artist: Juan Manuel Sanabria
Title: ‘Corazón Azul’
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 9.8″ x 9.8″ x 1.6″
Framing: Unframed – Ready to hang
Year of Creation: 2025
Artwork Will Ship From: USA

About the Artist:

(Artist Bio)

We live in a technological and digital age. Where everyone, is connected and disconnected with everything, at the same time.

-A world that is instantaneous and where there is no longer patience, or time for anyone, or anything.

-A world where social networks are the depository of our lives. Everything must be shared. What I do, what I want and what I feel. EVERYTHING MUST BE SHARED.

If I travel, I’ll share it.

You’ll see it.

You’ll want it.

You’ll travel and share it and so the vicious circle will continue. Must continue.

(Did you really enjoy the landscape, or did you just go for the picture?)


I know everything about you, without having seen or spoken to you in years.


Everything is real. Nothing is real. Remember this.


We are witnesses of a new humanity, where the primitive has prevailed.

Where as a cruel metaphor, humanity is pixelating itself. Decivilized, and locked in these digital caverns, it is losing everything that really matters; and it will do so till one day it becomes a large pixel, where you’ll only see a glimpse, of what it once was.


What I once was.

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Juan Manuel Sanabria, Corrientes, Argentina, 1984; is a contemporary artist, part of the new contemporary art movement, pop surrealism and cubism-digital.

Owner of a masterful technique, Juan Manuel, presents us, in his works, his satirized vision of the current world. We can find in his art, characters in everyday situations, totally decomposed and digitized. Where by mixing colors, and geometries, with a hyper-realistic painting in a style that is totally recognizable, Juan Manuel gives us that magical and tragic sensation of what, according to him, is currently happening.