‘After Ingres’ by Zach Mendoza
Artist: Zach Mendoza
Title: ‘After Ingres’
Medium: Acrylic on Yupo mounted on panel
Dimensions: 10″ x 8″
Framing: Framed (frame size: 11″ x 9″)
Year of Creation: 2021
About the Artist:
(Artist Bio)
My work is often a mishmash of ideas, images, half- truths and afterimages that become almost ghoulish amalgams of the sum of their parts. I find myself preoccupied with images that deal with chaos. Francis Bacon once said “I want a very ordered image but I want it to come about by chance”.
The dichotomy of chaos and order, I find are recurrent themes in my work. There are marks that come about independent of reason or expectation and these are the moments which either destroy a work or elevate it to the “not- yet-known”. Working in this way requires a constant process of disruption, reinterpretation and response. I view this process also as a microcosmic expression of the world in which we live. Everything changes constantly, is broken and reassembled an infinitude of times over in every moment. Painting, despite this, is a stagnant form of picture-making. A painting does not move like a film or animation, however, it is also very different form a photo. Painting is a unique medium that has endured throughout centuries and will for centuries hence forth, as long as there are stubborn romantic idealists like myself who aim to advance a dialogue about what it means to be alive in a beautiful medium that, unlike the rest of our world, doesn’t move.