‘Saying Goodbye’ by Chay Ruby

Artist: Chay Ruby
Title: ‘Saying Goodbye’
Medium: Watercoloir, ink and gouache on 140lb hot press Arches Paper (100% cotton)
Dimensions: 12″ x 9″
Framing: Unframed
Year of Creation: 2021

NOTE: This piece was available to purchase as part of our ‘Stardust Antennas’ show, which ran between 6th – 27th August 2021. If you would like to inquire about its current availability, please email sales@wowxwow.com and we will be delighted to assist.


‘Saying Goodbye’ by Chay Ruby

Artist: Chay Ruby
Title: ‘Saying Goodbye’
Medium: Watercoloir, ink and gouache on 140lb hot press Arches Paper (100% cotton)
Dimensions: 12″ x 9″
Framing: Unframed
Year of Creation: 2021

About the Artwork:

“This is a time to grow. The pain of goodbye in contrast to the sweetness of growing into something new. Let these blossoms of yourself burst and spread on the wind. We are all transmitting and receiving, growing parallel to each other. The cycle of hellos and goodbyes, often painful, often just as beautiful. There is freedom in letting go, just as there is terror. Perhaps a sign of wisdom is the gentle power of acceptance. Allowing yourself to be malleable, a twisting shape on the wind. A snapshot of stardust collected into just the right formation, at just the right time. How lucky we are to see.

I created this piece to illustrate how we are always hovering between our past and future selves.” – Chay Ruby

About the Artist:

(Artist Bio)

Chay Ruby is a fine artist currently working and living near Seattle, Washington. He primarily works with gouache, watercolor, and digital painting. His artwork often explores themes of loneliness, queer identity, emotional development, personal growth, dealing with trauma, empathy, and learning to be comfortable with the chaos of life.