‘UBE-005’ by Albert Fisk

Artist: Albert Fisk
Title: ‘UBE-005’
Medium: Acrylic on MDF board
Dimensions: 5.2″ x 5.2″
Framing: Framed in a wooden frame (frame size: 10.3″ x 10.3″ x 1.3″)
Year of Creation: 2024

NOTE: This piece was available to purchase as part of our ‘MicroVisions 7’ show, which ran between 3rd – 24th May 2024. If you would like to inquire about its current availability, please email sales@wowxwow.com and we will be delighted to assist.


‘UBE-005’ by Albert Fisk

Artist: Albert Fisk
Title: ‘UBE-005’
Medium: Acrylic on MDF board
Dimensions: 5.2″ x 5.2″
Framing: Framed in a wooden frame (frame size: 10.3″ x 10.3″ x 1.3″)
Year of Creation: 2024

About the Artwork:

UBE-005 is part of an ongoing series of paintings called Unidentified Biological Entities. Where do they come from? Why do they smell like warm cotton and bonbons? What size are they? Why do they taste like autumn rain? More observations and tests are needed until we can determine the true purpose of these creatures.

About the Artist:

(Artist Bio)

Albert Fisk (b. 1983) is a Swedish-based artist who, in the real world, goes by the name Roberto Kontosić and works in the game industry.

By night, he slips into his true form of sweatpants, old tee-shirts, and cozy slippers. He dwells in his lair filled with much more art supplies than he’ll ever use, but that’s part of being a creative goblin.

His weapon of choice is mainly acrylic paint and brushes, but sometimes the creative séance requires other tools, such as markers, colored pencils, or clay. To fuel his obsession, he consumes large amounts of Earl Grey tea with honey, bubbling black liquids, and plenty of different snacks!

What emerges from the thick incense-filled cave onto the canvas is tricky to explain in words – you better witness it with an open mind.