Casey Weldon - Luna

‘The Infinite Well 2’ – WOW x WOW & Nucleus Portland – Announcement

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WOW x WOW and Nucleus Portland are so very honoured to bring you ‘The Infinite Well 2’. This group show was curated by WOW x WOW founder, Tim Maclean, after receiving the most generous invitation to join forces with the fabulous Nucleus of Portland, Oregon (sister gallery to the celebrated Gallery Nucleus in LA) for the second time, following the success of their first collaboration last year.

WOW x WOW and Nucleus Portland The Infinite Well 2-1
All hung, ready for the opening night.

The Infinite Well 2 opened on 6th September and runs until 2nd October. It brings together the work of 26 American artists, all of whom share fantastic technical skill, a love of narrative and the ability to immerse viewers within wonderful visions, be they outlandish and surreal or comfortingly familiar.

WOW x WOW and Nucleus Portland The Infinite Well 2-2
Awesome art AND nibbles… don’t say we aren’t good to you.

Anyone living in or visiting Portland, has the pleasure of viewing (and purchasing) the art in person. However, this does not mean that the rest of the world has to miss out, as the show can be experienced via the gallery’s stylish and intuitively designed website, which also allows purchases to be made directly.

WOW x WOW and Nucleus Portland The Infinite Well 2-4
Getting up close and personal…

As if having all this fabulous art on the walls isn’t enough of an incentive to visit Nucleus Portland, they are also hosting special events throughout the month The Infinite Well 2 is on show (actually something that the gallery does every month, during every show they host). Included in these special events are their very popular Drink & Draw gatherings, which encourage everyone involved to get creative with their preferred drawing implements, while enjoying the gallery’s range of fantastic craft beers.

WOW x WOW and Nucleus Portland The Infinite Well 2-9
Loads of fun to be had at the Drink & Draw events.
On Tap at Nucleus Portland
Check out what’s on tap at Nucleus Portland.

Before wrapping up this post, WOW x WOW would like to say a massive thank you to Stella and Charles of Nucleus Portland for the invitation to collaborate on this show and also for being such an absolute pleasure to work with. Tim would also like to thank all the participating artists for their amazing contributions and for helping to make The Infinite Well 2 such a huge success!


Allison Reimold | Amy Guidry | Andi Soto | Andrew Ghrist | Armando Veve | Bao Pham | Bayo | Bill Mayer | Casey Weldon | Charlie Immer | Corinne Reid | David Seidman | Helice Wen | Jeannie Lynn Paske | Jon Ching | Kate O’Hara | Katie Gamb | Leegan Koo | Michele Melcher | Nathan Reidt | Phoenix Chan | Sean Mahan | Thomas Ascott | Tobias Kwan | Wiley Wallace | Yusei Abe

Below are a few picks from the show. Enjoy!

(Post header image: ‘Luna’ by Casey Weldon)

‘The Infinite Well 2’ – 6th September – 2nd October, 2019 – Nucleus Portland

David Seidman - The Divine Migration
‘The Divine Migration’ by David Seidman
Jon Ching - Scout
‘Scout’ by Jon Ching
Katie Gamb - Alone in the Garden
‘Alone in the Garden’ by Katie Gamb
Bao Pham - Rising Water
‘Rising Water’ by Bao Pham
Bill Mayer - The Great Carrot Rebellion
‘The Great Carrot Rebellion’ by Bill Mayer
Thomas Ascott - Remembrance
‘Remembrance’ by Thomas Ascott
Bayo - Inside Joke
‘Inside Joke’ by Bayo
Andrew Ghrist - A Fire Inside
‘A Fire Inside’ by Andrew Ghrist
Kate O'Hara - Origin
‘Origin’ by Kate O’Hara