Bang Sangho is an artist and illustrator from Korea. He graduated in 2016 and worked briefly as a freelancer for several months, before focusing his attentions on the development of his fabulously surreal worlds. The intentions behind his work are to establish a universe of planets, to describe landscapes and living things through various creative avenues including illustration, graphics, and video. Bang still takes on commercial projects and has recently completed a stunning advertising campaign for Fender and their Marine Layer Reverb effect pedal.
“Everything to be created, exploded, and mated is very primitive in a planet I’ve created. There are a lot of holes in the planet. These holes are areas of unknowing to the extent that I can’t guess their sizes or locations. Other holes inside of the holes are a passage connected to another world. When I look into the holes, I can see the other world inside of the holes appear and other holes inside of the world. Such a circulation of the holes prevents us from guessing the world’s size or location. Thus, spaces or living organisms can be as small as cellular particles or bigger than the sun. Other people and I take the position of ‘God’ and participate, observe, and feel these holes.” – Bang Sangho