Bene Rohlmann was born in 1985 in Münster, Germany and is currently living and working in Berlin. In 2007 he started his formal training in Design, with a major in Illustration at FH Münster and graduated with his diploma in 2012. His artwork combines various traditional techniques such as collage and drawing, and incorporate a random assortment of themes which interest him, such as mexican death cults, traditional art from native tribes, lots of nature related themes like moths and plants, classic Disney movies and old advertisements.
“A lot of my inspiration comes from the cartoons I used to watch and the comics I used to read as a kid, but also the toys I played with during my childhood. I was so much into all of these things and I have so many good memories of these times, where I would totally dive into these cartoon worlds or the ones that I created on my own, while playing with my Lego, action figures etc. What also keeps inspiring me are all these vintage things like tattoo designs, advertising, typography, fashion, hairstyles, matchbox labels and old encyclopedia illustrations.” – Bene Rohlmann (Tiny Pencil)