WOW x WOW is incredibly proud to present MicroVisions 6, the sixth of our annual group shows of small artworks; this year featuring over 70 international artists and comprising of close to 100 unique pieces. With the maximum size of contributions being limited to 10″ x 10″, and many of the works coming in considerably smaller, this exhibition offers collectors the perfect opportunity to purchase work by a host of phenomenal artists at their most affordable prices. MicroVisions 6 opens on Friday 5th May and will run until 26th May.

The artworks in this exhibit may be small, however this certainly does not preclude them from delivering mightily when it comes to impact and depth of subject matter. As with all WOW x WOW exhibitions, we haven’t imposed any theme on the artists participating in MicroVisions 6. We feel that every artist should be allowed the freedom to continue along their chosen path of creative expression and exploration, without any of the awkwardness, distractions or restrictions that themed shows can so often generate. So, with WOW x WOW shows, you can always expect to be treated to pure, unadulterated visions of wonder and contemplation.

As always, we’d really appreciate you spreading the word to anyone that you think might be interested in the exhibition. We’re super excited about the work we’ve received for MicroVisions 6, and we hope that you enjoy the show!
If you’re interested in receiving the Collector’s Preview, please email us at info(at)wowxwow(dot)com. Thank you.

Participating artists:
Sena Adjovi | Anja Altenburg | Emerald Barkley | Paul Barnes | Katrin Berge | Emma Black | Black Ramu | Sishir Bommakanti | Brian Britigan | Authan Chen | Makoto Chi | Sam Wolfe Connelly | Alex Dakos | Caitlin Rose Davis | Diego de la Rosa | Daniel Martin Diaz | Sharon England | Roselin Estephanía | Kelli Flitton | Natalie Foss | Petra Frankova | Lindsey Martin Gardner | Liz Gridley | Naoto Hattori | Cleonique Hilsaca | Veronica Jaeger | Hanna Jaeun | Kerry Jane | Savanna Judd | Cassandra Kim | Shannon Knight | Eileen Kai Hing Kwan | Chris Leib | Alex Louisa | MadebyEnger | Kristen Margiotta | Gina Matarazzo | Bill Mayer | Zach Mendoza | Kamila Mlynarczyk | Jason Mowry | Mary Esther Munoz | Andreas Nagel | David Natale | Christian Orrillo and Cristopher Pérez | Rachael Pease | Dasha Pliska | Ryan Pola | Tania Pomales | Angelika Rasmus | Carlo Alberto Rastelli | Jesse Riggle | Camilla Roeder | Nicolas Rossius is not Evil | Rustlehare | Renan Santos | John Sauer | Juliet Schreckinger | Mark Seabrook | Carolina Seth | Allison Sommers | Andi Soto | Sylvia Strijk | Sybiline | Jessica So Ren Tang | Jon Todd | Jen Tong | Nikolas Tower | TrashKitty | Joanna Viheria | John Walker | Babs Webb | Dory Whynot | David Michael Wright
Flyer image: ‘Dandelion Ghost’ by Mary Esther Munoz