WOW x WOW Gallery proudly presents Quest for Zenith. Opening on at 7pm BST on 7th October and running until 28th October, the exhibition will feature incredible original artworks by more than 50 super talented international artists.
Quest: [noun] a long or arduous search for something.
Zenith: [noun] the time at which something is most powerful or successful.
Dissatisfaction is largely thought of as a negative state; one that leads to unhappiness, frustration, and even anger. However, many artists can greatly benefit from being dissatisfied with their creative output. It is often through analysing where we have gone wrong, or that which may be improved upon, that we are truly able to set ourselves on the path of improvement. Some artists struggle to progress or reach their full potential due to viewing everything they create through the rose-tinted glasses of pride. It is self-reflection and the ability to remain highly critical of even the smallest short coming that encourages us to direct our focus towards developing these weaker aspects of our skill sets. However, it is dissatisfaction that triggers the initial alarm and leads us closer towards attaining glory in our ‘Quest for Zenith’.

As always, we’d really appreciate you spreading the word to anyone that you think might be interested in the exhibition. We’re super excited about the work we’ve received for Quest for Zenith, and we hope that you enjoy the show!
If you’re interested in receiving the Collector’s Preview, please email us at info(at)wowxwow(dot)com. Thank you.

Participating artists:
Abby Aceves | Orphné Achéron | Paul Barnes | Zhyldyz Bekova | Emma Black | Maria Carmela | Jeff Christensen | Happy D. | Fran De Anda | Ilaria Del Monte | Gerlanda di Francia | Christian Flora | Jordan Goshé | Cheryl Griesbach | Naoto Hattori | Richard Ingersoll | Josh Juett | Anna Kathleen | Vivian Le | Eli Libson | Likrot | Julia Lundman | Eli McMullen | Marina Mika | Andreas Nagel | Chloe Niclas | Johannah O’Donnell | Cheryl J. Owen | Lindsay Gwinn Parker | Silvia Parvarini | Paolo Petrangeli | Vanessa Powers | Jonathan Queen | Angelika Rasmus | Chay Ruby | Renan Santos | Cody Seekins | Brian Serway | Alina-Ondine Slimovschi | Haily South | Kevin Jay Stanton | Sylvia Strijk | Rodney Thompson | Eva Toorenent (Evaboneva) | TrashKitty | Joanna Viheria | John Walker | Russ White | Dory Whynot | S.V. Williams | David Michael Wright
Flyer image: ‘Cycles’ by Rodney Thompson

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