Drew Millward was born in 1981 in Coventry; he grew up in Bolton, studied and lived in Leeds for many years and now lives in a quarry in the Aire Valley. He has been drawing pictures since around 2004.
Drew likes to draw ‘the old fashioned way’, using pencils, pens and a love of the craft of illustration. While his subject matter can vary dramatically, he hopes that the attention to detail and the love of drawing is apparent throughout his work.
He has exhibited throughout the US, UK, Europe and beyond, as well as having the pleasure of creating work for an ever growing international client base.
“I’ve never felt particularly comfortable with what I’ve done, I’ve never got to the point where I’ve sat back and gone, that’s perfect. I think maybe now I’m making work that I’m a lot happier with. A couple of years ago, I went for a drink with some friends and they pointed out that the work I was making, wasn’t the work I’d have on my own wall. And that was a bit of a wake up call. When I did the Dust show last March, it was very much a line in the sand. That was me making work about what I wanted to make work about. There was no one there to say yes or no and what was interesting to me more than anyone else was, I didn’t think I could make that amount of work that quickly and I didn’t think I would like it as much! I had done a number of projects that were so involved and took huge amounts of time and I had burnt myself out, to the point where I lost my marbles a bit.” – Drew Millward (The Essential Journal)