Katrin Berge is a Norwegian artist and illustrator living and working in the beautiful city of Bergen. She has held several exhibitions in Norway as well as illustrating for album covers, literature and music magazines, and has done work for the biggest newspaper in Bergen, Bergens Tidende. She won a prize for her drawings in 2009 in Norway’s biggest annual contest for visual communication, Visueltkonkurransen, for editorial illustration.
Her work is mainly figurative with surreal elements. She always looks to nature and animals for inspiration when working. She’s also inspired by fairytales, myths and legends, and her work consistently brings up themes inspired by childhood.
“I think I’ve been creative from a very young age. As a 4-5 years old kid I loved to draw, and I always had some kind of project going on, whether it was making a city out of paper, a farm with animals out of things I collected from the nature or just drawing. It was like I had this urge to always make things, and it’s still there today. I was also introduced to the creative, visual and crafting world by my aunt, Lillian Øvrelid Berge. She’s a painter educated from an art school in Oslo, and visiting her was like a treasure hunt full of impressions, smells, oil colors, paper, pencils, brushes, paintings, drawings and so on. I even got to have my own box in her house where I collected my own things to be creative with, mostly paper and various pencils – which was so exciting! But it wasn’t until I was 16 years or so, when I got a whole suitcase as a present from my parents with all of these fun things for painting and drawing, that I really started to draw.” – Katrin Berge (Culture?)