Nick Sheehy - Skull I

Nick Sheehy – Oddness and Familiarity – Artist Profile

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Nick Sheehy is an Australian-born artist and illustrator living in London. After studying bronze sculpture in the wilds of Tasmania, Nick gave up on art only to re-discover his love of drawing whilst living in London, sparked by an interest in the city’s low brow art, illustration, street art, and graffiti. In his work, Nick explores the dreamlike, sometimes semi-autobiographical scenes and oddball characters that echo from his childhood imagination. Employing a laborious technique, building up layers of texture and thin colour, his work infuses precision and attention to detail with random abstraction and clumsiness. He enjoys drawing various weird things for himself, exhibitions, publications, and occasionally the odd client.

“At the the risk of sounding all wanky – like ‘oh, art is just part of my soul’ or whatever, I seem to have forgotten what drives me… it’s something I do. I think the main motivation is that I really enjoy drawing. I’ve never really made art that involves big ideas or heavy concepts, but I do think a lot when when I’m drawing. So I like to think that the finished result has some importance/significance. I’m inspired by many things; music, books, films, etc… but I try to not be too direct with inspiration. It’s nice for something to resonate at first, then be forgotten, and then magically reappear.” – Nick Sheehy (Inkygoodness)

Nick Sheehy - Rabbit II

Nick Sheehy - The Pineapple

Nick Sheehy - The Fish

Nick Sheehy - The Treasure

Nick Sheehy - The Fight

Nick Sheehy - Inner I

Nick Sheehy - The Chair I

Nick Sheehy - The Inspection

Nick Sheehy - The Conversion

