Rubenimichi - Hiperion

Rubenimichi – Beauty from the Dark – Artist Profile

posted in: Artist Profiles 0

Rubenimichi is a big tree, grafted with three different cuttings, which form a whole one and bear fruit.

Nature is the axis on which our work turns. An invented, idealized and magical nature interacts with a human being creating a link between an unattainable world of dreams and the everyday reality; extrasensory experiences and disturbing characters hidden among the dense forest.

Rubenimichi’s pictures are stills from an imaginary film where they let the viewer create their own history.

To achieve this gloomy and mysterious aura, Rubenimichi use acrylic paint in a particular way, with blurring and contrasting lights and shades, always bearing in mind the Flemish paintings of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Pre-Raphaelites or the Romantic movement by passing our particular way of understanding art and life.

“Magic and the supernatural world have always been present within our lives and we love to research these subjects. So, our work has always been influenced by mysticism and magic, especially our last show ‘Sol Negro’. The exhibition examines the mysteries of Saturn and the different ways that it has been represented in history. All that we paint has meaning. Sometimes this meaning is easily recognized while other times it translates as a private language between us three. You can see in our works many elements that are repeated and that are part of our meticulous supernatural world such as eyes, keys, apples, and robins. We are attracted to all of these elements because there are elements that we find to provoke a kind of discomfort to the viewer and capture a different type of beauty…a beauty that comes from the dark and mysterious side of life.” – Rubenimichi (Blopop Magazine)

Rubenimichi - Hermandad I

Rubenimichi - Hermandad III

Rubenimichi - Hermandad VI

Rubenimichi - Pandora II

Rubenimichi - Jano Lapis

Rubenimichi - Jano Lignum

Rubenimichi - Mimas

Rubenimichi - Saturno

Rubenimichi - Titan

Rubenimichi - Rea

Rubenimichi - Creador

Rubenimichi - El Arbol de la Ciencia

Rubenimichi - Corvus I

Rubenimichi - Antophilia
