5TH – 26TH MAY 2023

WOW x WOW is incredibly proud to present MicroVisions 6, the sixth of our annual group shows of small artworks; this year featuring over 70 international artists and comprising of close to 100 unique pieces. With the maximum size of contributions being limited to 10″ x 10″, and many of the works coming in considerably smaller, this exhibition offers collectors the perfect opportunity to purchase work by a host of phenomenal artists at their most affordable prices.

All sales will be on a first come, first served basis. Purchases can be made through the website, either with a debit/credit card or via PayPal. In the unlikely event that you encounter any issues, please email us at sales@wowxwow.com and we will be very happy to assist.

Participating artists:

Sena Adjovi | Anja Altenburg | Emerald Barkley | Paul Barnes | Katrin Berge | Emma Black | Black Ramu | Sishir Bommakanti | Brian Britigan | Makoto Chi | Sam Wolfe Connelly | Alex Dakos | Caitlin Rose Davis | Diego de la Rosa | Daniel Martin Diaz | Sharon England | Roselin Estephanía | Kelli Flitton | Natalie Foss | Petra Frankova | Lindsey Martin Gardner | Liz Gridley | Naoto Hattori | Cleonique Hilsaca | Veronica Jaeger | Hanna Jaeun | Kerry Jane | Savanna Judd | Cassandra Kim | Shannon Knight | Eileen Kai Hing Kwan | Chris Leib | Alex Louisa | MadebyEnger | Kristen Margiotta | Gina Matarazzo | Bill Mayer | Zach Mendoza | Kamila Mlynarczyk | Jason Mowry | Mary Esther Munoz | Andreas Nagel | David Natale | Christian Orrillo and Cristopher Pérez | Rachael Pease | Dasha Pliska | Ryan Pola | Tania Pomales | Angelika Rasmus | Carlo Alberto Rastelli | Jesse Riggle | Camilla Roeder | Nicolas Rossius is not Evil | Rustlehare | Renan Santos | John Sauer | Juliet Schreckinger | Mark Seabrook | Carolina Seth | Allison Sommers | Andi Soto | Sylvia Strijk | Sybiline | Jessica So Ren Tang | Jon Todd | Jen Tong | Nikolas Tower | TrashKitty | Joanna Viheria | John Walker | Babs Webb | Dory Whynot | David Michael Wright