WOW x WOW Gallery proudly presents Cosmic Elixir. Opening on at 7pm GMT on 7th January and running until 28th January, the exhibition will feature incredible original artworks by more than 50 super talented international artists.
Cosmic: [adjective] of or relating to the cosmos rather than to the earth alone.
Elixir: [noun] a substance, with a magical power to cure, improve, or preserve something.
During productive periods, the inspiration required for creativity is often in abundance, while at other, more challenging times, can be utterly elusive. It is of vital importance for an artist to engage in stimulating pursuits, the kind that encourage and develop inspiring thoughts and ideas. Imposing limitations on the creative process might suit some individuals, however, when it comes to setting oneself up for the reception of inspiration, it would be safe to say that limitations are barriers, not passageways. Therefore, we must remain open to everything the universe has to offer, and whenever possible, tap into the power and wonder of the ‘Cosmic Elixir’.

As always, we’d really appreciate you spreading the word to anyone that you think might be interested in the exhibition. We’re super excited about the work we’ve received for Cosmic Elixir, and we hope that you enjoy the show!
If you’re interested in receiving the Collector’s Preview, please email us at info(at)wowxwow(dot)com. Thank you.

Participating artists:
Ivardi Ahau | David Álvarez | Ana Bagayan | Paul Barnes | Kaitlin Beckett | Cristina Bencina | Michael Camarra | John Casey | Ken Cunningham | Fran De Anda | Kring Demetrio | Jasmin Dreyer | Ejiwa ‘Edge’ Ebenebe | Garis Edelweiss | Theo Ellsworth | Anna Ezer | Alison Friend | Katie Gamb | Gloombrow | Nicole Gordon | Cleonique Hilsaca | Veronica Jaeger | Máté Jakó | Sorie Kim | Nom Kinnear King | Risa Kishida | Declan Lee | Likrot | Milka Lolo | Iain Macarthur | Isaac Malakkai | MalOjo | Ashley Marie | Colete Martin | Ryan Martin | Eli McMullen | Zach Mendoza | Andreas Nagel | Varvara Nedilska | Johannah O’Donnell | Profe | Angelika Rasmus | Nadia Rausa | Dusty Ray | Maga Rey | Luke Rion | VR Rivera | Olivia Rose | Vorja Sánchez | Serendipity | Brian Serway | Andrew Sides | Andi Soto | Tarntara Sudaduang | Thoth | Alexis Trice | Alexandra Verhoven | Dock Vincent | Leigh Whurr | Shiella Witanto
Flyer image: ‘400 Stars / Centsontotochtin’ by Milka Lolo