The WOW x WOW exhibition programme for 2018 is due to kick off in tremendous style on 6th April with ‘MicroVisions’, a large group show of small works by close to 70 international artists. With the maximum size of contributions being limited to 10” x 10”, and many of the works coming in considerably smaller, this exhibition will offer collectors the perfect opportunity to purchase work by a host of incredible artists at their most affordable prices. ‘MicroVisions’ opens on 6th April and will run until 27th April.

The artworks in this exhibit may be small, however this certainly does not preclude them from delivering mightily when it comes to impact and depth of subject matter. As with all WOW x WOW exhibitions, we haven’t imposed any theme on the artists participating in MicroVisions. We feel that every artist should be allowed the freedom to continue along their chosen path of creative expression and exploration, without any of the awkwardness, distractions or restrictions that themed shows can so often generate. So, with WOW x WOW shows, you can always expect to be treated to pure, unadulterated visions of wonder and contemplation.

Aeforia | David Álvarez | Audra Auclair | Adam Augustyn | Scott Balmer | Bayo | James Boswell | Brian Britigan | Adrian Landon Brooks | Marjolein Caljouw | Julian Callos | Edward Cao | Mandy Cao | Kiko Capile | Jeff Christensen | David Chung | Steven Daily | Lara Dann | Nicolas Degaudenzi | Dos Diablos | Nathan Durfee | Jel Ena | Jacqueline Gallagher | Thomas A. Gieseke | Brad Gray | Davor Gromilovic | Shreya Gupta | Daria Hlazatova | Anthony Hurd | Ruben Ireland | Jesse Jacobi | Carolone Jamhour | JoKa | Juliana Kolesova | Jean Labourdette | Matt Linares | James Lipnickas | Tiffany Liu | Ashly Lovett | Yu Maeda | Sean Mahan | Wenkai Mao | Gabi de la Merced | Jason A. Mowry | Niark1 | Lori Nelson | Johannah O’Donnell | P54 | Michael Page | Boris Pelcer | Dusty Ray | Corinne Reid | Nathan Reidt | Allison Reimold | Bene Rohlmann | Jessica Roux | Bang Sangho | Henry Schreiber | Aof Smith | Allison Sommers | Andi Soto | Joey Stupor | Erlend Tait | Roland Tamayo | Veks Van Hillik | Kelly Vivanco | Alice Wellinger | Xsullo | Zeke’s Lunchbox

As always, we’d really appreciate you spreading the word to anyone that you think might be interested in the exhibition. We will also be publishing interviews with several of the participating artists between now and the show’s closing date, so please keep visiting or following us on our social media channels to receive interview alerts, as well as sneak peeks of work from the show in the run up.
If you are interested in receiving the Collector’s Preview, please email us at info(at)wowxwow(dot)com. Thank you.