WOW x WOW Gallery proudly presents Mindweave. Opening on at 7pm GMT on 5th February and running until 26th February, the exhibition will feature incredible original artworks by more than 70 super talented international artists.
Through exploration of the various mediums that make up the visual arts, one individual is able to convey their interior world to countless others. Elements of the artist’s psyche manifest and become decipherable to the viewer and a unique relationship is formed. The strength of this bond depends on a myriad of variables including imaginative capabilities, shared experiences, levels of empathy, cultural and societal parallels, however, it ultimately rests upon a shared humanity. Remaining open to symbolic communication is also paramount to the connection; shining a light on the mysterious and unknown; allowing the conscious and unconscious to interlace; engaging in the ‘Mindweave’.

As always, we’d really appreciate you spreading the word to anyone that you think might be interested in the exhibition. We’re super excited about the work we’ve received for Mindweave, and we hope that you enjoy the show!
If you’re interested in receiving the Collector’s Preview, please email us at info(at)wowxwow(dot)com. Thank you.

Participating artists:
Orphné Achéron | Richard Ahnert | David Álvarez | Jenna Andersen | Diego Andrade | Nikoo Bafti | Scott Balmer | Sara Baun | Sofia Bonati | Alejandra Caballero | Riso Chan | Alina Chau | Choimago | Karl Deuble | Robert Deutsch | Ejiwa ‘Edge’ Ebenebe | Alison Friend | Katie Gamb | Brad Gray | Pavel Guliaev | Naoto Hatttori | Lachlan Herrick | Baptiste Hersoc | Micha Huigen | Paulette Jo | Savanna Judd | Song Kang | Caia Koopman | Kristin Kwan | Luca Ledda | Justyna S. Lewandowska | Wenting Li | James Lipnickas | Milka Lolo | Isaac Malakkai | Cassidy Rae Marietta | Eli McMullen | Marina Mika | Moki | Virginia Mori | Lira Morina | Andreas Nagel | David Natale | JP Neang | Phuong ‘Jacquell’ Nguyen | Christian Orrillo | Xavier Ortiz | Jimmy P | Jason Parker | Nojus Petrauskas | John Kelly Pevahouse | Dusty Ray | Eva Redamonti | V. R. Rivera | Vasilisa Romanenko | Steeven Salvat | Juliet Schreckinger | Matt Schu | Danny Schwartz | Sólin Sekkur | Brian Serway | Andi Soto | Peter Striffolino | Deirdre Sullivan-Beeman | Jessica Taylor | Ania Tomicka | Rostislaw Tsarenko | Colin Verdi | Joanna Viheria | August Vilella | Babs Webb | Olga Wieszczyk
Flyer image: ‘Electrons’ by Kristin Kwan