WOW x WOW Gallery is both incredibly excited and most honoured to announce our next group exhibition. ‘Super Reverie’ opens on 4th May and will run until 25th May. The exhibition continues our tradition of unthemed art shows and will feature brand new work by over 50 talented international artists, all of whom share a passion for intriguing narratives, inventive symbolism and beguiling mystery. Along with these unifying characteristics, the participating artists are also brought together through their ability not only listen to, but also develop the whisperings from their imaginations; a talent which is often aided by quiet downtime and attentive daydreaming. This daydreaming could be thought of as the engagement in an enhanced and reflective reverie: a ‘Super Reverie’.

Peter Adamyan | Bayo | James Boswell | Marjolein Caljouw | Mandy Cao | Young Chun | David Chung | Steven Daily | Alex Eckman-Lawn | Brendon Flynn | Marcelo Gallegos | Gianluca Gambino | Lauren Genovese | Thomas A. Gieseke | Brad Gray | Davor Gromilović | Amy Guidry | Shreya Gupta | Daria Hlazatova | Nikita Kaun | Juliana Kolesova | Alexandra Levasseur | Alice Lin | Matt Linares | James Lipnickas | Tiffany Liu | Monica Loya | Sean Mahan | Wenkai Mao | Gabi de la Merced | Chris B. Murray | Andreas Nagel | Niark1 | Christian Orrillo | Lucas Parbo | Bruno Pontiroli | Corinne Reid | Nathan Reidt | Bang Sangho | David Seidman | Pruch Sintunava | Joey Stupor | Ania Tomicka | Veks Van Hillik | Peter van Straten | Tof Vanmarque | Joe Vaux | Kelly Vivanco | Joe Vollan | xsullo | Zeke’s Lunchbox

As always, we’d really appreciate you spreading the word to anyone that you think might be interested in the exhibition. We will also be publishing interviews with several of the participating artists between now and the show’s closing date, so please keep visiting or following us on our social media channels to receive interview alerts, as well as sneak peeks of work from the show in the run up.
If you are interested in receiving the Collector’s Preview, please email us at info(at)wowxwow(dot)com. Thank you.