David Rice was born in Aspen, Colorado where he lived until he graduated from high school. He grew up on the ski hill. His dad was a ski instructor and had him on a pair of skis almost before he could walk. Living in Aspen helped David develop a passion for art and the surrounding environment, and spurred his love for the outdoors. After high school David moved to Boulder, Colorado where he received his Bachelors Degree in Studio Art. His pursuance of art and design has led him from Colorado to San Francisco to Portland, Oregon where he now resides. David loves to ski, snowboard, hike, climb, and whatever else he can find to do while enjoying the beautiful landscape around him.
Much of David’s work focuses on the themes of nature and its personifying characteristics. Growing up in the mountains of Colorado, he has a special connection with the outdoors. David uses the natural landscape and its inhabitants as his primary subject matter.
Melding together an organic style with graphic overlays, his style combines a mixture of the natural world with a geometric presence. The combination of the organic with the human engineered. This speaks to how instead of only a natural world existing, or one that is manmade, the two can coexist harmoniously if the dominant party yields to this cohesive existence. A balance is needed for both parties to survive.
“We use repeating patterns to create a sense of order and harmony. We try and create a balance and aesthetic to please our senses in what we perceive to be a random world. These patterns exist on a scale beyond what is right in front of us. They are in nature and can be seen if we are actively looking. I use these patterns to bridge a gap between human and nature.” – David Rice (Antler PDX)