Andreas Englund – Not So Perfect – Artist Profile

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Andreas Englund was born in Falun, Sweden in 1974. Now he lives in Stockholm working both as an artist and art director. Andreas graduated from RMI-Berghs School of Communication in 2000. His first exhibition at Liljevachs Spring Saloon Exhibition 2008 … Read More

Lauren Brevner – East Meets West – Artist Profile

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Born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Lauren Brevner grew up in a mixed heritage family rich with culture and inspiration. In 2009, she moved to Osaka, Japan in hopes of reconnecting with her roots. There, Lauren had the honour of … Read More

Amir H. Fallah – Behind the Exterior – Artist Interview

Amir H. Fallah was born into an Iranian family and lived the first five years of his life in Iran, before moving to America. In his own words, the transitional adjustment which took place left him feeling something akin to … Read More

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