Welcome to the Collector’s Preview for:
3RD – 24TH MAY 2024
WOW x WOW Gallery proudly presents MicroVisions 7, the seventh of our annual exhibitions of small artworks. Thanks so much for your interest in the show!
All sales will be on a first come, first served basis. Purchases can be made through the website, either with a debit/credit card or via PayPal. In the unlikely event that you encounter any issues, please email us at sales@wowxwow.com and we will be happy to assist.
Participating artists:
Ivardi Ahau | Gina Altadonna | Sishir Bommakanti | Morgan Booth | Beatriz Bradaschii | Brian Britigan | Michael Camarra | Maggie Chiang | Dolaana Davaá | Caitlin Rose Davis | Fran De Anda | Yoko d’Holbachie | Olivia Di Gregorio | C.M. Duffy | Nathan Durfee | Ego | Alexandra Finkeldey | Albert Fisk | Kelli Flitton | Petra Frankova | Katie Gamb | Lindsey Martin Gardner | Chloe Gendron | kEda Gomes | Liz Gridley | Naoto Hattori | Brett Herman | Cleonique Hilsaca | Savanna Judd | Kikyz1313 | Cassandra Kim | Vanessa Lemen | Po Yan Leung | Milka Lolo | Jon MacNair | Danny Malboeuf | Gina Matarazzo | Zach Mendoza | Michael R. Miller | Catherine Moore | Kamila Mlynarczyk | Andreas Nagel | Connor Nguyen | Martin Ontiveros | Jonathan Ouisse | Paperobott | Dasha Pliska | Tania Pomales | Vanessa Powers | Rachel Quinlan | Angela Ramones | Carlo Alberto Rastelli | Gemma Román | Nicolas Rossius is not Evil | Renan Santos | Juliet Schreckinger | Mark Seabrook | Kristin Siegel-Leicht | Allison Sommers | Ellen Surrey | Mandy Tsung | Tof Vanmarque | John Walker | Jenna Wing-Hu | Nola Won | David Michael Wright | Ten Yetman